A mosaic of aromas and colours

The Madeira Collection, Belgium


Do you know madeira? For connoisseurs it is one of the absolute highlights of any wine cellar. One day, while enjoying a glass of Boal, a pair of Belgians got a taste for it. They bought a collection of madeiras at auction and that was that – they were in the madeira trade. The idea was to come out with a new collection each year, numbered from the year 2011, to go with the old madeiras. As you would expect, the first Madeira Collection wine was “1”. Ever since Alessandri Design & Brand Studio has created labels for each vintage in the unlimited Madeira Collection.


A visit to the Atlantic island revealed a rich floral bounty. Cordula went to see the manufacturer behind the Madeira Collection and got to know Ricardo Diogo V. Freitas and his Barbeito Madeira. Another success story …